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Water has some amazing abilities that are already known and
it differs significantly from other materials. For example, water has its
greatest density at 4 degrees Celsius and propagates in the solid state from
again, instead of being dense. That is so far unknown. A second observation is
in homeopathy that water has a "memory" and has stores effects of
substances, of which this water is by no dilution molecule contain more.
Homeopathy also works in animals certainly not be suspected to be cured only by
their faith in medicine (placebo effect).
Dr. Emoto from Japan has now demonstrated impressively that
water responds to cues, verbal abuse and love. Water forms ice crystals is
known, if it is frozen. Dr. Emoto, a method has been found to photograph these
and experiments carried out to find out what influences the formation of
crystals. A pure spring water forms beautiful crystals while in a big city tap
water coming out only misshapen crystals. Water continues to respond to music -
from Bach and Mozart to form beautiful crystals in Heavy Metal music no. I must
add here that the water is not frozen during the music, but then. Particularly
surprising is but if you look at the crystal formation that occurs in water,
the glass is a label that has the word "thank you" or
"love" is written and pasted on the contrary, the word
"fool". The differences are similar to those of Bach and heavy metal.
These reactions are not as conventional physics to explain and yet they exist -
clearly proven scientifically.
In a Japanese school, now the following experiment was
conducted: in two identical glasses of boiled rice was added and placed in a
classroom. Every day, all the students went past the glasses and said to one
"thank you" and the other "fool". The "thank you"
rice remained white and fragrant, while the "fool-rice" was black and
began to stink horribly. Too much water is contained in rice. You see thereto
that words and even thoughts have a far greater impact on things than generally
believed. As a lesson one can already draw at this point that you must be
aware, and they can do what words to use in accordance with care - a human is
primarily composed of water.
There are many other examples like that water whose
remarkable properties have been used already in the industry, without having to
know the physical basis for it.Mind-Control
The mind-control area is in the public course hushed as much
as possible, but it is proven to have been intensively researched it for over
fifty years and even here there are a number of patents. The human brain can be
manipulated by irradiation with different shafts thoroughly.
Also hidden images and messages in movies manipulate us,
what is now already relatively well known and promotional purposes of the
application of this technology was banned (and for what other purpose?). If in
a movie every now and then a picture with an ice-cold Coke appears, we take the
conscious is not it - the image can be seen only 1/25 second long.
Nevertheless, the Coke sales fast massively after the movie in the air. It was
found in experiments. These things are just the tip of the iceberg, and already
decades old. In the first Gulf War, for example, flew strange helicopter over
the bunkers of the Iraqis, whereupon suddenly the bunker occupants, which strongest
bombardment could wear nothing, droves came out and each showed that since so
standing around, even the journalists who were watching this. This shows a bit
of what possibilities exist already today.
However, there are many inventions and discoveries
that are partially suppressed for decades because it can’t certain worldviews
or company revenues would reduce. Another reason for the suppression of the
fact that people would free and less dependent, if one or the other invention
extensively would implemented. Please say goodbye to first of all to the idea
that everything that is new, useful and beneficial to humanity as a whole,
automatically enforce immediately. Which is definitely not the case. If someone
has discovered something kind, it will be massive obstacles placed in the way just
of spreading the news about it at all. Usually, then tried to buy the rights to
him. If he is agree to these discoveries disappear in a drawer of the buyer -
usually large corporations. Cannot buy the discoverer / inventor, he is
threatened, ridiculed and removed in an emergency. However, now useful but a
lot of things to the surface, which is probably a positive quality this time. There
is also considerable evidence also of professors and doctors, so simply cannot be
suppressed. My next example is of this variety.
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